Common Types of Proxy Servers

To remain anonymous when browsing the internet, you should consider using a proxy server. Ideally, proxies act as an intermediary between your PC and a target server, with the proxy server giving your connection a unique ID. It is also worth noting that proxy servers might reduce your connection speeds and reduce the ping. Most importantly, they also bypass most existing blockages and safeguard your anonymity online. The only nuance with isp proxy servers is the difficulty in choosing the most appropriate proxy server.proxy server

Before you start looking for a proxy server, it is imperative to have a clear idea of why you need a proxy. This comes in handy, considering there are different proxy configurations. In addition, knowing how proxies work goes a long way in helping you make an informed choice. To get up to speed on matters proxies, here is a list of some common types of proxy servers.

Transparent Proxy

online security

This is one of the most commonly used proxy servers today. As its name suggests, this proxy intercepts the connection between the user and the internet. However, it does not modify any requests or responses. Thus its name is “transparent.” Transparent proxies are mostly used for content filtering purposes in the schools, libraries, and corporate sides, considering that they do not need to be configured from the client end.

Anonymous Proxy

An anonymous proxy servers, as its name suggests, serves to conceal or mask your online presence. This proxy achieves this by not sending your IP address to the sites you visit, thus reducing the risk of identity or data breaches. For instance, if you are tired of getting tailored search results from your search engine, this proxy can be helpful. Another good thing about anonymous proxy servers is that they also help you avoid target marketing messages informed by your IP address.proxy server

Distorting Proxy

A Distorting proxy works like an IP in many respects but with a twist. Instead of masking your IP address completely, it assigns you a different IP address. These proxy servers are mostly used when you need to access geo-restricted content because they make you seem like you are accessing content from a different location. This is the best proxy server when you want to surf the internet on a site with content restrictions such as Netflix.


What Are the Dangers of Phishing?

Due to technological advancement, organizations rely more on digital tools, unlike in the past. However, while those tools have massively transformed the entities resulting in better productivity and capability, they have increased risks to their users. One of these risks is phishing. It entails cyber criminals sending digital baits, for example, emails or links, to unsuspecting digital tools users to try to get them to bite the bait, in this case, to click a link or open an email. And if the target users take action, the criminal steal login credentials or do other malicious things.

So, what is the difference between phishing and spear phishing? To understand spear phishing vs phishing, you need to know that phishing involves sending emails to many people, organizations, etc., expecting a few will take action. On the other hand, spear phishing targets a specific individual, organization, or group and is designed to appear to be from an entity the target knows and trusts.

Below are some of the dangers of phishing to companies and individuals:

Phishing Enables Criminals to Steal Data

Cyber criminals turn to phish to access employee’s corporate email account, and with a few minutes, they can download all the email inbox contents. And with the corporate email accounts connected to the service providers’ cloud storage, the criminals can also copy all those files or make them inaccessible to the organization. They can then ask for some money to allow the owner to access their files. The hackers can also exploit the data as they wish after accessing it.

Spear Phishing Can Lead to Financial Losses

phishing can lead to financial lossesIn spear-phishing, the bad actors pose like someone you know so that you will trust the email or whatever digital bait they use. Then, using the targeted phishing, they get your personal information and use it to commit crimes. For example, the criminals may get CEOs’ data and impersonate them to instruct junior staff to transfer cash to some company accounts, which they have also taken hold of.

Phishing Can Enable Criminal to Reset Passwords

Another significant risk of phishing is that when hackers have control over your email, they can access many other accounts and even reset passwords. That way, the bad actors can wipe away your accounts and remain in control of those accounts. In addition, they could go on to demand payments into such accounts using the emails they took over. All these can lead to heavy financial losses and loss of trust from customers and other parties.